Canine parvovirus is a highly dangerous viral disease that is quickly transmitted between dogs. The virus causes canine diarrhea and vomiting. The dog then suffers from severe dehydration, which may cause death to the dog if it is not treated or appropriate measures are taken. It is also important to protect the dog by vaccinating the dog against the virus, especially young puppies, as unvaccinated dogs and young puppies are the most vulnerable to canine parvovirus. In this article, we will mention the most important methods of treating this virus.
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How can a dog with parvo be treated?
Firstly, it is important for the dog to visit the veterinarian as soon as any of the symptoms of parvo disease appear it, such as lethargy, diarrhea, loss of appetite, high temperature, and other abnormal symptoms, so that the veterinarian can diagnose it through clinical diagnosis or conducting the necessary tests. Such as taking a sample of his stool to confirm that he is infected with the parvovirus. The veterinarian may also conduct blood tests for the dog or photograph it with Parvovirus often leads to death.
There is no direct treatment for dog parvovirus. Rather, the veterinarian treats dog parvo by giving him antibiotics to stop the virus from multiplying, in addition to the medications, injections, and intravenous fluids necessary to relieve the symptoms of the virus and compensate for the dog’s energy and nutritional deficiency. The doctor may also give the dog intravenous supplements. If it is confirmed that his blood sugar is low, give the dog food through feeding tubes (a tube that enters from the dog’s nose to the stomach), to compensate for the lost nutrients as a result of his infection with parvo, and treat any intestinal parasites in the dog to avoid worsening diarrhea
In difficult cases of a dog being infected with parvo, the veterinarian may have to transfuse plasma into the dog’s blood, with the aim of maintaining blood pressure and avoiding the effects of the dog’s loss of clotting factors or blood proteins. It is worth noting that a dog infected with parvo often needs to stay in the hospital for several days. days.
The time required for a dog to recover from parvo varies depending on its breed, age, and the severity of its condition, but it often takes the dog approximately a week to recover from parvo, in addition to the fact that the speed of starting treatment for dog parvo contributes greatly to its recovery.
How do I deal with a dog infected with parvo?
It is important to begin isolating the dog infected with parvo until it is certain that it has completely recovered, as canine parvo is quickly transmitted to other dogs, in addition to isolating its tools and the location of its droppings. All of the doctor’s instructions regarding medications, their doses, and appropriate nutrition for the dog must be adhered to, and it is worth noting the necessity of sterilization. Home after the dog is infected with the parvo virus, and bathe the dog after the symptoms of parvo stop showing, to get rid of the viruses that may be stuck on his hair.