What your Pets Skin Issues Might Indicate

When you notice that your dog or cat scratches itself constantly, you may wonder what is causing this behavior. Veterinarians specializing in pet dermatology Crockett VA might diagnose and treat skin conditions due to the following issues.


Fleas are a classic concern for dogs and cats that requires your urgent attention. If you notice that your pet is constantly scratching, perform a full-body examination for fleas. If your suspicions are correct, a flea collar or medicine could solve the problem.

Food Allergies

If your pet suddenly develops rashes and starts scratching uncontrollably, its food may be the cause. Check all food and treats for ingredients that could potentially cause skin allergies. If you can not find the culprit, experiment with feeding something different to see if it eases the discomfort.

Hay Fever

Allergies are expected during the Spring and Fall seasons when dogs and cats spend more time outdoors. Pets may be allergic to pollen or other irritants that occur naturally in their outdoor environment. Keeping your pet well-groomed and clean will help prevent much of the discomfort of seasonal allergies.


Some breeds of dogs or cats are known for their sensitive skin. If your pet routinely develops skin inflammation and itching, avoid grooming products with harsh chemicals and fragrances to minimize potential reactions.

Hormone Imbalance

Various medical conditions, including autoimmune disorders, can disrupt the body’s production of hormones, including those produced by the thyroid and adrenal glands. Some hormone-related diseases, including hypothyroidism, target your pet’s skin, leaving it dry, spotty or itchy.

Vaccine Reactions

Just as people can experience side effects from vaccinations, your dog or cat can also be prone to them. Common reactions to vaccines can include skin irritations that lead to itching. Most of these side effects are temporary and usually go away on their own.

A sudden change to your pet’s skin usually indicates an issue that you and your veterinarian need to address promptly.

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