Cat Training Mistakes You Should Avoid

For most of the cat owners, training a cat may sound an impossible task. But believe us, it is possible! Like dogs, cats are intelligent and smart animals that can be trained if their intelligence is channeled in the right way. But it goes without saying that often veterinarians in Virginia Beach come across cat parents who are unsuccessful in training their cats.

Training a cat may seem hard, but it is actually not. But it is imperative to say that even small missteps can cause big difficulties in training them. If you are finding it hard to teach your cats basic commands and little tricks, getting help from a professional would be a wise thing to do. But there are some points to keep in mind while training your cat that can help you make the process a success and avoid a possible trip to Virginia veterinary clinic.

Having said that, let’s delve deep into the mistakes people often commit while training their cats and understand why it is essential to avoid making them.

  1. Overestimating how much time training takes.

Most cat parents assume that training a cat is a time-consuming and challenging task. But believe it or not, cats have the ability to learn in a short period of time. Training sessions as small as five minutes spread over the day is enough to teach your cats cool tricks and manners. Instead of taking out extra time for training your cat, try to use time in between your daily chores. Additionally, to make your training endeavor successful, try incorporating training during mealtimes or outdoor walk when there is already an ample of interaction going on.

  1. Don’t ignore the good behaviors of your cat.

It is typical for a pet owner to pick on a bad manner and ignore a good one. But doing so actually promotes the actions. Say for your cat starts scratching your couch or sofa, you would instantaneously scold or shoo him away. This will make your cat think that doing these things actually grabs your attention. Instead, flip your response by rewarding their correct behavior and ignoring bad ones. So, the next time you see your cat using the scratch post, pet him and reward him with a treat.

  1. Do not attempt to eliminate instinctive behaviors.

Clawing, jumping, pouncing, and climbing is some things animals are born to do. Even if we domesticate them, it is impossible to make them stop their instinct. Refraining your cats to behave in their natural way can actually stress them out. This approach of training will only result in failure and an unhealthy cat. Instead of eliminating their behaviors altogether, redirect them to spaces or areas where they can. For cats, you can buy boxes, shelves, or perches to climb on and explore the height without wreaking havoc at rest of the house.

  1. Expecting your cat listen without training.

Assuming your cat will respond a certain way just because you ask him to will only leave you annoyed and your cat confused. To have your cat listen to your command, you need to teach him by using positive reinforcement first. But going down that road is not an easy task. So, whatever you do, don’t lose your patients.

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