Distemper Virus For Dogs: Causes And Treatment

Canine distemper virus refers to a highly contagious disease fever that may cause death in dogs and carnivores in general, such as rodents, foxes, raccoons, and other animals. This virus also spreads in societies where vaccination rates are low and high. The number of dogs at the same time, [1] and in this article we will talk about the causes of the canine distemper virus and methods of treating it.

Causes of distemper virus in dogs

The causes of the occurrence of the Distemper virus in dogs are as follows:

Contact infection

Dogs become infected with the Distemper virus due to contact with urine, blood, or saliva from an animal infected with the disease. Cases of Distemper disease also occur in domestic dogs in the late fall and winter.

Respiratory secretion infection

Transmission of cough and sneeze droplets between infected animals, as they use shared food containers and contaminated equipment, thus posing a great risk of transmitting the Decembre virus. It should also be noted that if dogs recover from this virus, they remain infectious for 4 months or more.

Methods of treating the Decembrist virus in dogs

Methods of treating the Decembrist virus in dogs are represented in the following points:

  • Isolate the dog from other animals.
  • Admitting the dog to a veterinary hospital for isolation and treatment.
  • Liquids.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Cleaning eye and nose secretions.

Ways to prevent the December virus for dogs

Methods of preventing the Decembre virus for dogs are represented in the following points:

  • Giving dogs the Decembrist virus vaccine.
  • Keep dog tools clean, and do not share them with other animals.
  • Do not mix dogs with animals suspected of being infected with the December virus.
  • Early examination, if any symptoms of the virus appear.

Symptoms of the Decembrist virus in dogs

The symptoms of the Distemper virus for dogs are represented in the following points, which may not affect some dogs, so some dogs may be exposed to the Distemper virus infection, without these symptoms appearing at all, and these symptoms are:

Symptoms of the onset of the Decembrist virus in dogs

  • White eye discharge then turns green, and this occurs at the beginning of the disease.
  • Nasal gonorrhea.
  • Coughing and sneezing.
  • Vomiting.
  • Eating smaller amounts of food than usual.

Symptoms of the final stage of canine distemper virus

  • diarrhea.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Trembling.
  • Partial paralysis attacks.
  • Severe vomiting.
  • Severe diarrhea.

How dangerous is the Decembre virus for dogs?

All types of dogs are at risk of contracting the virus, but young puppies under the age of 4 months, as well as dogs that have not received the specific vaccination against this virus, are at greater risk of contracting the virus.

How to diagnose canine distemper virus

Doctors diagnose the Decembre virus through a clinical examination of the dog and conducting laboratory tests, so that initial efforts are made to control the initial symptoms of the virus and prevent the occurrence of secondary infections, which are more dangerous to dogs, in addition to combating the dehydration that the dog is exposed to due to the virus. Providing fluids in appropriate quantities.

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