Finding the Perfect Moss for Your Aquarium

The aquarium is an exciting field that requires a lot of attention and many parameters to consider in order reproducing the aquatic environment of our fish. Before embarking on the choice of the masses and filtering foams, it is necessary to choose the right filtration system, adapted to its tank and its population. Then we can select the essential masses and filtering foams.

  • The masses and filtering foams are essential to maintain the quality of water, essential to all aquatic life in an aquarium.
  • The water sucked by the filter will cross the various masses and filtering foams, which will absorb the harmful particles or transform them. The water is thus healthy and purified.
  • Can important filter used (internal, external, settling); the masses and filtering foams integrate inside the filtration system.

Small presentation of the masses and filtering foams

We find different types of masses and filtering foams with different and complementary characteristics and qualities.

The so-called “mechanical” filtering masses and foams will be porous materials (or fillets) which will trap the passage of large particles, solid or undissolved, into suspensions in water. We find, for example, wadding, perlon, different diameters of foams or some ceramics. The captured particles will clog the masses or filtering foams, the butcher and the water will not pass. It will then clean the filter. Find maintenance tips on the website by clicking on this link. For the Australian fissidens moss this is essential.

The purpose of biological filtering masses and foams is to treat certain substances with bacterial agents. This is to set up the nitrogen cycle. Ammonia released from the waste fish (very toxic), through the biological filter, will turn into nitrites (harmful) and nitrates (without danger). This part does not dirty and does not need cleaning since it would destroy the essential bacteria. In biological filtration can be used some very porous substrates, ceramics with high porosity and other foams, for example.

The chemical filtering masses and foams are only used in certain circumstances (fish diseases, etc.). By physicochemical process, some harmful substances will be absorbed or transformed. In there, we find the “active” coal, resins (anti-phosphate, anti-nitrates), peat and other products. Their effectiveness decreases over time. You can go for the US Fissidens moss also.

How to place the masses and filter foam in the filter?

Comparative filtration aquarium-position-filter-masses

As a rule of thumb for internal, external, or settling compact filters, the following should be done:

  • In the first position the mechanical filter to retain the large particles
  • In second position the biological filter to transform the ammoniac
  • Possibly the chemical filter in third position only if necessary (erase the traces of a medicine).

The masses and foams filtering are therefore essential to the filtration system, for healthy, clear and limpid water.

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