Grooming and shampoo for dogs is a measure of lifestyle, health and beauty. A dog brush helps to avoid knots and eliminates dead hair. The nail cut to use regularly to cut the nails of your dog.
A clean, maintained dog is a happy dog. Professional groomers notice it, once the nails cut, the coat bathed, shorn, the scissors given around the eyes, the muzzle and the ears of the dog … the masters do not return, they have the smile and their eyes illuminate. So you can give yourself, at home beauty care and maintenance to your dog.
The quality of your dog’s coat is a reflection of his health. It’s a whole. Depending on its size, breed, length of hair, activities, the dog requires a minimum of care and hygiene. You must take care of your teeth, clean your ears, eyes or contours if you notice stains or crusts.
For a perfect dog’s health give him the proper dog food. Brand name kibbles such as WOPET are formulated according to breeds and ages. They make it possible to fill the weaknesses, the deficiencies. Developed by professional nutritionists and approved by veterinarians. It’s a health and long life insurance.
The brushing is part of the small rituals that we set up with his dog, as well as walks, games … but before starting the brushing itself, we will have to choose a brush, the choice is vast then How to choose the one that best suits your dog?
Brushing your dog is part of regular and sometimes daily care. Brushing is obviously an act that helps maintain your dog’s hair, make it beautiful, it also allows:
- To check the integrity of the skin: sore, crusts, redness …
- To locate any, masses, warts …
- To highlight possible parasites: fleas, lice, ticks …
Brushing maintains the beauty of the hair
Regular brushing of your dog’s coat is as important for the aesthetic as for the health. The hair protects the animal against external aggressions such as cold and humidity. Brushing your dog promotes the protective qualities of the hair and preserves its beauty. The effects and the result are obtained regardless of the type of hair.