Golden Retriever Information And Facts Regarding Dog Agression

In this post we’re going to deal with an aggressive golden retriever dog. Aggression is the most common and the most serious problem an owner has with his dog. All animals are aggressive when protecting their territory or themselves. The first step in eliminating aggressiveness is to rule out any physical or medical causes by having the dog thoroughly checked by a veterinarian. If no problems are found, a vet will probably refer you to a behaviorist. The aggression could be triggered by something that happened during puppyhood. There might be a dominance issue between owner and dog. Whatever the reason, a dog’s aggression should be immediately dealt with. Sustained aggression could be dangerous to both owner and dog.

Golden retriever

Credit : Golden Retriever dog and puppies information

Golden retriever information and facts show that Puppies as young as six weeks can exhibit aggression. If left alone for long periods of time, a puppy can become anxious. If children or friends tease or pick on a puppy, it may lash out defensively. Some breeds of dog can suffer from a rare disease known as “rage syndrome”. Larger breeds such as German Shepherds and Dobermans will naturally defend their territory even as puppies. Teething pain will cause puppies to chew and bite which could later turn into aggressive behavior. Keep toys in the freezer overnight so they will be cold and soothing on sore gums the next day.

Early intervention will help discourage aggressive behavior (Take advantage of our free mini-course and learn all about the essential golden retriever information and facts). Keep puppies together in their litter for at least 8 weeks. The warmth and interaction between the individual puppies keep them secure and strengthens social communication. Treat puppies gently as they are easily started. Saying “no” in a firm rather than a loud, shrill voice is a better way to promote obedience. Harsh discipline will only encourage negative behavior for the rest of the dog’s life. Poor living conditions and frightening environments contribute to violent behavior. Unfortunately that’s just the golden retriever information and facts.

Help your Golden retriever dog socialize with people and other dogs from day one to avoid future aggression issues. Show him respectful behavior towards people and other animals and your dog will learn to love other people and other dogs. Observe your dog to recognize the situations that trigger aggressive behavior. In some cases hostility may be caused by the mere fact that the dog has not been neutered or spayed. Take advantage of all the golden retriever information and facts published on this site.

Aggression is an inherent as well as a learned behavior, that’s just the golden retriever information and facts. From the dog’s point of view, it keeps him safe from danger. It also helps establish a pecking order within a pack. Dogs will test for dominance by biting or posturing. Both male and female Golden retriever dogs will show territorial aggression. They will also rush to defend another member of their family be it human or fellow canine. Although modern dogs no longer have to compete for food, nesting sites or mates, they instinctively guard their possessions from others.

Learned aggression is a result of living in a threatening environment. The first response of a frightened dog or animal is escaping or fleeing. But if no escape is possible, it will resort to fighting especially if cornered or trapped. Always avoid turning your back to a dog who is posturing, growling, or snarling.

A Golden Retriever puppy who displays aggression after reaching the age of 14 months or sexual maturity needs special attention. Owners should have established themselves as the pack leader throughout the dog’s puppyhood. Being a strong leader means the owner should train the dog to follow all commands and structure the day by setting feeding and walking times. That’s the golden retriever information and facts.

It’s true that all dogs bite. It’s what they do. But biting, lunging, and other aggressive behaviors can be prevented with proper management. If the need arises, hire a professional to intervene before your dog is blamed for hurting someone else. Often the problems are caused by the owners rather than the pets

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