How Long Is Kennel Cough Contagious

Kennel cough, or canine infectious respiratory disease, is an upper respiratory infection caused by myriad infectious agents. These include viruses, bacteria, and mycoplasma. Animals contract kennel cough from other dogs through airborne pathogens when in close contact with each other or when sharing contaminated equipment, such as toys, treats, and food dishes. Due to the airborne transmission of these diseases, long-term isolation of an infected animal may not eradicate the possibility of future spread. It is possible that infected dogs can shed pathogens in their saliva weeks after treatment of clinical signs that render them asymptomatic. To safeguard your pet against kennel cough, veterinarians recommend annual vaccinations against canine parainfluenza virus and bordetella bronchiseptica. Kennel cough is a contagious respiratory infection of dogs. It’s also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis. It sounds worse than it is and usually clears up without treatment, but it can be life-threatening for puppies, old dogs, and dogs with a compromised immune system.

Kennel cough is dissimilar in different dogs.

Different Dogs, Different Symptoms. A viral version of kennel cough is less serious than a bacterial version. If the dog has a viral version and he is otherwise healthy, he will probably recover in around six days. The symptoms are similar to that of a common cold. His nose will be runny, and he will have a cough. He may also sneeze and appear to have nasal congestion. A mild form of kennel cough can include such symptoms as an elevated temperature, unsettled behavior, vomiting, and loss of appetite to chronic sneezing and coughing. Kennel cough can be severe in younger dogs and those with weakened immune systems, so make sure you have them checked out by a vet quickly.

Factors that might complicate recovery from Kennel cough

Some dogs are highly allergic to the kennel cough virus, and they can develop pneumonia as a result of this condition. The symptoms of pneumonia in dogs include shortness of breath, high fever, and coughing. Dogs most at risk include younger animals and those that have some type of respiratory ailment already. A pet owner may identify pneumonia through these symptoms or by listening to a chest X-ray.

How long is a dog contagious with kennel cough?

Dogs with any of these viral agents that cause kennel cough are contagious for two weeks after the onset of symptoms, according to Animal Planet. The other canine respiratory viruses and bacteria take a much longer time to incubate. Parainfluenza can take up to two months or even longer before the symptoms show themselves. Dogs with this virus that causes bronchitis, pneumonia, or croup in dogs and causes severe coughing fits that often lead to vomiting can be highly infectious for a couple of weeks after the onset of the symptoms and even longer than the two years that parainfluenza is detectable in their system.

How long is kennel cough contagious after antibiotics?

Kennel cough is a highly contagious, airborne bacterial infection that dogs can catch from other dogs. The symptoms of kennel cough vary between pets; puppies may simply have a dry cough while adults cough up mucus. While it’s harmless in most dogs and usually clears itself up within two to six weeks, kennel cough can lead to more serious health problems, so it’s important to treat it early.

Signs and symptoms of kennel cough in a dog

Kennel cough is an inflammation of the airways, especially in dogs. The cough is accompanied by a lot of mucus or other secretions, and it can sound like a bark. It is caused by viruses and commonly affects dogs kept in shelters. Although dogs have their own versions of human colds, kennel cough is not to be confused with canine distemper or canine parainfluenza virus.

Treatment of kennel cough

Clearing the signs of infection is essential, especially in cases of pneumonia. The most common type of antibiotic prescribed for dogs is called beta-lactam, which comes from a family of drugs called penicillin. Common beta-lactam antibiotics used to treat pneumonia, and other respiratory infections may include doxycycline or amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid has a broader spectrum of coverage against several types of bacteria. Doxycycline is somewhat less effective at treating staph infections, but some veterinarians swear by it.

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