Treating Tapeworms In Dogs

Tapeworms are a type of worm that infects pet dogs and negatively affects their health. Dogs infected with tapeworms result in many important symptoms that affect the dogs’ health in general, as dogs are exposed to significant weight loss in addition to being exposed to hair loss and abdominal bloating. At the very least, it is worth mentioning that tapeworm disease for small dog puppies may be very dangerous for them, as the worms accumulate inside their intestines and cause obstruction.

Tapeworm treatment for dogs

Usually, the veterinarian asks the dog owner to bring a sample of the dog’s stool to confirm or deny that the dog is infected with a tapeworm. The test result will reveal whether tapeworms are present in the anal sac or in the dog’s stool. If the dogs are confirmed to be infected with a tapeworm, they are presented with The following treatments:

Pharmaceutical treatments

Drug treatments are administered as follows:

  • To treat tapeworm in dogs, some medications are used that are taken orally or by injection, which dissolve the tapeworm inside the intestine. This type of treatment is generally safe and does not have any harmful side effects on dogs.
  • To treat tapeworms in dogs, some effective medications are used, which are taken by chewing or medications that come in the form of pills and are sprinkled on food and tablets.
  • Sometimes mixed parasite medications are used to treat tapeworms and all other worms that infect dogs.

Home remedies

Some dog breeders resort to using some household materials to treat the problem of tapeworms in dogs, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before treating dogs with any home remedies:

  • It is recommended to use garlic and apple cider vinegar to treat tapeworms at home, as these substances protect the dog’s intestines from tapeworms by providing an inhospitable environment for the tapeworm larvae.
  • It is recommended to use pumpkin seeds and carrots to treat tapeworms, as these foods remove the worms that are attached to the lining of the dog’s intestines as they pass through it, making them pass through the digestive system and exit with the stool.
  • Dog breeders resort to using turmeric as an anti-inflammatory, as it works to heal the digestive tract after it is infected with tapeworms.

Tips for caring for a dog infected with tapeworms

Here are some tips for providing the best possible care for a dog with a tapeworm infection:

  • The fleas that live inside the dog’s hair must be controlled by using some anti-flea medications, and it is preferable to consult a veterinarian in this matter.
  • The dog must be brushed constantly using a fine comb that is able to remove fleas from the dog’s hair.
  • Dogs with tapeworm infections should be given vitamin supplements so that the dogs can regain the nutrients they lost while the tapeworms were in their intestines.
  • It is recommended to give dogs preventive medication over the course of a whole year and under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  • Dog feces should be disposed of using sanitary gloves and sealable bags, especially in public parks, playgrounds, and dog parks.
  • Conduct annual periodic examinations of dog stool, at least twice a year.

Should you visit a veterinarian if you have tapeworms in dogs?

Often, dog owners do not know that their dogs are infected with tapeworms except during the regular examination of the dogs because they do not show any symptoms, but it is very important to inform dog owners of the symptoms of tapeworms, which are considered somewhat serious, and which require going to the veterinarian to receive treatment. appropriate, which includes the following:

  • Dogs lose weight, which is usually accompanied by an increase or decrease in dogs’ appetite.
  • Dogs have a bloated stomach without a clear cause.
  • The dog becomes lethargic.
  • Dogs suffer from vomiting and mild diarrhea that lasts for a long period of time.
  • Chronic cough.
  • Hair loss is accompanied by skin irritation.
  • Noticing the presence of segments of worms stuck around the anus in dogs
  • Seeing roundworms in the stool of infected dogs that resemble small grains of rice.

Causes of tapeworms in dogs

The causes of dogs becoming infected with tapeworms are due to dogs eating some animals infected with tapeworms while hunting or scavenging, in addition to being infected as a result of dogs swallowing fleas that carry tapeworm larvae during grooming, as these larvae stick to the intestines of dogs and infect them. The following is the cycle of dogs acquiring worms in a manner Directly leading to her injury:

  • A dog eats a flea carrying a tapeworm larvae.
  • The tapeworm larva grows and becomes a tapeworm that lives and feeds in the intestine of the infected dog.
  • The tapeworm secretes some eggs and excretes them in the dog’s feces.
  • Fleas that live everywhere in the environment ingest tapeworm eggs, which leads to their transmission to dogs and other animals.

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